Thursday, November 23, 2006

Had a Sad Day?

Have you ever had a day in which you want something special to happen?
But all you get is ending the day feeling sad because it did not happened,
Because the person you wanted to tell you something did not even bothered to say hi,
Or because the thing you wanted to do was not possible by X reason,
Or because something bad happened that made you feel sad and hopeless,
Or because you spent the whole day alone with no one to talk to,
Or because of any other reasons not mentioned above.

Well, we all have a day like that once in a while
It does not matter who you are,
It does not matter if you are single or not,
It does not matter if you are young or not,
It does not matter how many good or bad friends you have,
It does not matter what you try to do for avoiding it.
It will happen and it will make you feel depressed and sad.

And what can be done to make it less painful and not ruin the rest of the week?
Forget about it, it is not worth it to remember something that hurts you.
Forget that person, if she/he really cares about you she/he will try to make it up to you.
Goal or plan ruined? Make a new one, or just approach it differently and positively.
Bad things? They happen all the time, just deal with it and then let it go.
Try to be strong and have your mind occupied in something you like,
No matter if others think you don't give a fuck about what's going on around you.
Whatever you do, just don't let that one sad day screw up the rest of your week.

Copyright (C) 2006 German S. Benitez

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