Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Because of You!

I am soo happy,
so happy to know that I have succeeded in reaching your heart,
in taking a special place on your heart and dreams,
to know once more that I am not the only one that miss you and think of you all the time,
that dreams about you and talk to others about how sweet and unique you are.

I have waited so long to hear this from you,
to know how much I mean to you too.

I know now I love you because I miss you everyday we don't talk,
because I think of you and what we have talked before,
because when I hear the phone I wish it was you before looking at it,
because I check my email everyday to see if you have sent me an email or reply to mine,
because I even dream of you sharing hands with me and walking together,
and because you inspire me to tell you what is on my mind and heart,
making me forget how shy I am.

And yes, we are not really far,
you are only living miles away from me
but about 1 sec away from my thoughts.

About your dreams, yes darling,
I can picture that plus many other great things between us in the near future,
and I will do as much as I can to make those happen,
to make you feel happy, special, loved.
I know you will also try to make me feel like that too.

Thanks for being honest,
and for being the beatiful and sweet person you are.

I love you, Samuel

Copyright (C) 2006 German S. Benitez

Had a Sad Day?

Have you ever had a day in which you want something special to happen?
But all you get is ending the day feeling sad because it did not happened,
Because the person you wanted to tell you something did not even bothered to say hi,
Or because the thing you wanted to do was not possible by X reason,
Or because something bad happened that made you feel sad and hopeless,
Or because you spent the whole day alone with no one to talk to,
Or because of any other reasons not mentioned above.

Well, we all have a day like that once in a while
It does not matter who you are,
It does not matter if you are single or not,
It does not matter if you are young or not,
It does not matter how many good or bad friends you have,
It does not matter what you try to do for avoiding it.
It will happen and it will make you feel depressed and sad.

And what can be done to make it less painful and not ruin the rest of the week?
Forget about it, it is not worth it to remember something that hurts you.
Forget that person, if she/he really cares about you she/he will try to make it up to you.
Goal or plan ruined? Make a new one, or just approach it differently and positively.
Bad things? They happen all the time, just deal with it and then let it go.
Try to be strong and have your mind occupied in something you like,
No matter if others think you don't give a fuck about what's going on around you.
Whatever you do, just don't let that one sad day screw up the rest of your week.

Copyright (C) 2006 German S. Benitez

Waiting, and waiting ,and waiting......

For me waiting sometimes hurts so much
Is like killing me slowly, painfully, when I am waiting for something to happen
Sometimes good things happen in my life but they just look and seem too good to be true,
and even though on the deepest of my heart I want to believe it and I want it to be true,
on the surface of it I dont cause I am tired of getting hurt, tired being played with,
tired of falling in love and giving the best of me and not receiving as much as I try to give up,
tired of being the nice boy that always end up being the best friend and nothing else,
or even nothing at all.

When I think live is smiling at me, most of the times it is just a matter of time before it stabs me on the back and leave me feeling like shit.
It is good that I still have great friends that love me and help me every time I go deep down below,
that I have a family that is not perfect but at least truly cares about me and how I feel and understand me,
that I try to recover myself too and try to learn from my mistakes and make myself stronger,
other wise I would fall deeper down and be lost forever

Sometimes I feel like I just want to dissapear,
or to make time go by as fast as I can,
cause I don't want to be asking myself what could happen tomorrow or what could not.
I just prefer to see it happening and thats it.
It's like I am loosing hopes on the future..............

Copyright (C) 2006 German S. Benitez